Find Out Why the Current ‘Hidden Pandemic’ isn’t Going to Stay Hidden Much Longer & Why ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) is Poised to Help Us All Survive the ‘Post-Antibiotic Era’
Since life began, humans and bacteria have been in a race for survival. It’s a race that bacteria has consistently led, with humans trying desperately to react, adapt and survive.
But now a little-known medical company – ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) – may just have developed the diagnostic and therapeutic solutions that could finally allow humans to surge forward, close the gap and even take the lead in this all-important race for life.
Imagine a world where common problems like STDs and urinary tract infections stop becoming more resistant to our treatments (like they are rapidly becoming now) …
Imagine a world where hospital procedures like C-sections and joint replacements become less dangerous instead of more dangerous by the day …
Imagine a world where sepsis no longer kills 11 million people (many of them children) and disables millions more …
Well, that’s the promise of ASEP Medical Holdings’ (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) proprietary technologies – including a peptide technology that directly addresses the ineffectiveness of current antibiotic treatment options.
This technology is exciting scientists and investors as it directly targets one of today’s biggest medical issues – Antibiotic (or Antimicrobial) Resistance.
The Scary Truth About Antibiotic Resistance
It’s time for us all to realize that we are currently experiencing two medical crises – CV-19, which is all over the news and Antibiotic Resistance, which was among the top priorities for global public health before CV-19 and has become even more important now.
Scientists understand this and the general public will likely become much more aware of this soon as well. If you look at the stats, you can see why this simply can’t be ignored for much longer:
- Every year in the US, 35,000 people die because of an infection that antibiotics can no longer treat effectively.1
- On a global scale there are 700,000 people around the world that die of antibiotic-resistant diseases each year. And if we don’t make a radical change now, that number could rise to 10 million by 2050, according to the World Health Organization.2
- Antibiotic resistance has doubled in just the last 20 years alone.3
That’s certainly eye-opening information and it’s why the United Nations and other international agencies and experts recently released a groundbreaking report demanding immediate, coordinated and ambitious action to avert a potentially disastrous antibiotic-resistance crisis.4
The new report specifically calls for “urgent action” to avert the “antimicrobial resistance crisis” and prevent a “staggering number of deaths each year.”5
If action is not taken right away “antibiotic-resistant diseases could cause 10 million deaths each year by 2050 and damage to the economy as catastrophic as the 2008-2009 global financial crisis. By 2030, antimicrobial resistance could force up to 24 million people into extreme poverty,” says the UN Ad hoc Interagency Coordinating Group on Antimicrobial Resistance.6
Right Now, One Person is Dying Every 15 Minutes Because of Antibiotic Resistance
That’s why the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) now says that we have entered a “post-antibiotic era.” Look at what the report says:
“Stop referring to a comingg post-antibiotic era — it’s already here. You and I are living in a time when some miracle antibiotics no longer perform miracles and families are being ripped apart by a microscopic enemy.”7
What does that mean for the general public?
It means antibiotics are quickly becoming useless, which also means we are much more vulnerable to a “superbug” infection that could ruin our health at a moment’s notice.
Diseases like tuberculosis could once again rise to prominence. Common problems like STDs and urinary tract infections could suddenly become serious, life-threatening conditions.
Two of the biggest current threats are C. difficile, which is an infection sometimes caused by antibiotic use, and N.gonorrhea aka “super gonorrhea.” People who are unlucky enough to experience these infections often see a dramatic impact on their health.
With C. difficile they can experience severe diarrhea and raw tissue that bleeds or produces pus. With N. gonorrhea women can experience pelvis inflammatory disease (PID) and it can cause severe abdominal pain and fever in all who get it.
And what does this all mean for investors?
It means that forward-looking investors are searching for under-the-radar companies that have potential solutions for this growing crisis that could elevate them from unknown to well-known in no time.
We believe ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) could be one of those companies thanks to its breakthrough technology.
After all, in a battle this big and this important big weapons are needed … and that’s where ASEP Medical Holdings’ steps into the picture with its new peptide technology.
For investors looking for that “next big thing” this market may very well deserve additional investigation. As we said earlier, before CV-19 arrived antimicrobial resistance, or antibiotic resistance, was among the top priorities for global public health … and it’s not just going to miraculously get better on its own.
While everybody is (rightfully) concerned about CV-19, there is this other major problem roiling just below the surface that could breakout at any moment and become not just one of today’s biggest medical problems but the biggest – a problem that money and research will be thrown at and that real solutions could become highly valued by doctors, patients and investors.
Look what just said about this issue: “fearsome, antibiotic-resistant (superbugs) are infecting nearly 3 million Americans per year.” It goes on to say “more people had died from superbugs in previous years than thought.”8
Here’s what Michael Craig, the CDC’s senior advisor on antibiotic resistance, told the Washington Post about this very serious problem: “A lot of progress has been made, but the bottom line is that antibiotic resistance is worse than we previously thought.”9
Actually, CV-19 and its variants can serve as an example of how treatments can become ineffective when bacteria and viruses adapt and morph into new forms.
Right now, Omicron appears to be evading vaccines and is sweeping across the country making thousands sick. Recently, scientists detailed a case of resistance to Remdesivir, which was one of the earliest treatments used to treat CV-19.10
It’s as if bacteria/viruses and humans are playing tennis – one side serves and the other responds with a new volley and the other side returns that and it goes on and on but now ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) may have found something “unreturnable.”
The company’s breakthrough technologies could also be very beneficial to sepsis sufferers – allowing patients to overcome this infection that can wreck havoc on the body.
Sepsis, which can be caused by both bacterial and viral infections as well as fungal infections, traumatic injuries and more, kills more than 11 million people a year.11

All of this is why now is the perfect time to learn more about ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) and the exciting opportunity it offers to both medical professionals and patients who are on the front lines dealing with antibiotic resistance as well as investors looking for that next big medical market breakout stock.
5 Big Reasons to Begin Doing Due Diligence on ASEP … ASAP!
ASEP, which was formed through the consolidation of development-stage companies, Sepset Bioscience and ABT Innovations, is bringing both novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to the urgent, multibillion-dollar problem of antibiotic failure.
The company’s purpose is to mitigate the global crisis of antibiotic failure by improving patients’ odds of survival and quality of life. Together, ASEP’s diagnostic and therapeutic solutions represent tremendous clinical and commercial potential, through rapid diagnosis and uniquely effective treatment.
So let’s examine why this company caught our attention and why we are recommending that you take a closer look at it, too. Here are our five big reasons:
Reason #1 – Innovative Post-Antibiotic Era Technology
Have you heard of “Biofilms”?
No, it’s not the title of the latest Hollywood blockbuster, rather biofilms refer to communities of bacteria that are encased in a protective matrix of mucus. These communities can grow on just about anything – from stones to plants to our bodies to medical devices and much more.
The issue with Biofilms is that their protective mucus encasing protects the bacteria within from even large amounts of antibiotics.
That’s right, the bacteria are basically hidden safely away in a “fortress” from which they can strike out and destroy our health. In fact, it is now estimated that 65% of all infections are due to Biofilms.12
Here is why this is so important … and so scary … there’s not a single FDA-approved treatment for Biofilm infections.13
But now there is possibly game-changing technology being introduced into this ongoing battle and the company introducing that technology is ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF).
ASEP’s proprietary peptide technology directly addresses the ineffectiveness of current treatment options by suppressing biofilm growth and reducing inflammation.
That’s right, ASEP scientists have demonstrated that their proprietary ABT peptides are able to preferentially attack biofilms formed from all medically important bacteria.
And that’s not all, the peptides also work well in animal and human tissue models and have been shown to enhance the action of conventional antibiotics. These peptides are also able to suppress inflammation that causes many of the medical issues attributed to chronic biofilm infections.
This technology separates ASEP Medical Holdings from its competition and gives it an exciting pathway to new growth. Here is a look at ASEP and its closest competitors so you can get a better idea of what could be possible going forward for this rapidly growing company.

Reason #2 - Massive Market Opportunity
Another reason ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF)caught our attention is because it is located in one of today’s biggest and fastest growing markets – the global antibiotic market.
This market has a series of profitable branches – all of which are in need of treatments like what ASEP is developing. Take a look for yourself at just how lucrative the major market and branch markets are:

Let us give you an example of what we are talking about here:
Take the Global CRS Market above (CRS stands for Chronic Rhinosinusitis). This market is worth $2.1B and has a CAGR of 7.4%. This market also just happens to have a very urgent need for treatments.
ASEP’s new peptide technology directly targets the biofilms that produce rhinosinusitis delivering relief from a condition that can cause painful inflammation and that results in 242,000 emergency room visits a year.14
Antibiotics do not target the biofilm, they only treat the symptoms of the condition. That’s why ASEP Medical (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) technology could be a real game changer.
One of the company’s most serious competitors in this space – Dupilumab – has seen poor adoption due to its extremely high cost. The first-year cost of Dupilumab is $31,154, and it’s $30,000 annually thereafter.15 In other words, the market is ripe for a new solution.
And ASEP’s peptide technology has shown:
- Antibiofilm activity
- Antibiotic synergy
- Anti-inflammatory activity in vivo
- Immune modulating activity
- And more
This technology appears to have the potential to combat numerous issues that are present in the global health system today. And the company behind that technology just recently announced the public listing for trading of its common shares on the Canadian Securities Exchange, giving investors a unique opportunity to do their due diligence early before the technology becomes more well-known.16
Reason #3 – Breakthrough Rapid Sepsis Testing
In addition to its broad therapeutic agents, ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF)also offers a breakthrough diagnostic tool that enables the early and timely identification of severe sepsis.
This is exciting because sepsis occurred in 49 million individuals globally in 2017.17
Sepsis is usually treated by antibiotics but in 2017 this first-line treatment failed in 23% of patients leading to 11 million deaths, 19.7% of all deaths in 2017. Since then, the situation has worsened as sepsis is the cause of death in most patients who die from CV-19.18
ASEP Medical Holdings is addressing this with a novel diagnostic test that is able to sense the dysfunctional immune response underlying the most severe form of sepsis at the time that patients first enter the emergency room of a hospital.
This allows physicians to make timely decisions about the initiation of intensive life-saving therapy, as well as identify patients who are not at risk, thus sparing expensive treatments and reducing antibiotic usage that drives resistance.
The company’s rapid diagnostic test delivers results in approximately one hour, improving sepsis survival rates and allowing doctors to make better informed treatment decisions.

Reason #4 – Strong Foundation for Future Growth
Combine extensive intellectual properties with a very healthy balance sheet and notable partnerships and what do you get?
You get a company where the future looks very bright indeed. Let’s take a closer look:
On the diagnostics side of its business, ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) IP portfolio includes:
- 1 patent family
- + 1 underway
- 3 patents awarded
ASEP has filed patent protection for the discovery of a predictive gene expression signature at first clinical presentation of endotoxin tolerance/cellular reprogramming (CR) associated with an inability to respond to bacteria (immune amnesia) present.
A patent for the biomarkers has already been filed and awarded in Europe, China, and Hong Kong. The company is in the national phase entry process for: Canada, USA, Australia, Japan and Europe.
On the therapeutics side of its business, the company’s IP portfolio includes:
- 3 patent families
- Small Cationic Antimicrobial Peptides – 8 Patents in US, Spain, Denmark, & Australia
- Small Cationic Anti-biofilm and IDR Peptides – 2 Patents in US, Spain, Denmark, & Australia
- Cationic peptides with immunomodulatory, and/or anti-biofilm activity – 2 Patents in US, Spain, Denmark and Australia
In addition to patenting its breakthrough technology, ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) has also been busy forming strategic partnerships to further fuel its growth. For example, the company has recently partnered with Thermo Fisher Scientific, a company dedicated to improving life for patients, protecting our global climate and keeping people safe through its innovative solutions, and UBC, a company that partners with biopharmaceutical companies to deliver patient support services.
As for the health of the company’s balance sheet, it is very strong thanks, in part, to a series of grants that the company has received, including:

Due to having two strong sides to its business – diagnostic and therapeutic – and technology that is both innovative and in great need today … ASEP Medical Holdings has been able to put together a rosy financial picture that could get even better with orphan designation (see Reason #5 below).
Reason #5 - Orphan Designation
Under the Orphan [Medicine] Act, the FDA grants special status to a medication or biological product that treats a rare disease or condition.
Orphan [medicine] designation qualifies sponsors for incentives that include such things as longer market exclusivity, lower market costs, premium pricing, faster uptake, reimbursement and more. Here is more information about a few of these many benefits:
- Tax credits of 50% off the clinical antibiotic/medication testing cost awarded upon approval
- Eligibility for market exclusivity for 7 years post-approval
- Waiver of new medication application (NDA) fee (approximately $2.2M value)
- Acceleration of the development process, and advantages post-marketing
ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) is planning to pursue Orphan Designation for CRS in cystic fibrosis patients, which the company believes has a high unmet medical need (with no approved treatments).
ASEP also plans to pursue “fast track” status for treatments addressing antimicrobial resistance. This is the equivalent of orphan classification and is used for medications that treat serious conditions and unmet needs.
That’s five big reasons why we believe ASEP Medical Holdings deserves a much closer look. And if that is not enough for you, there is another important factor the company has working in its favor that deserves to be mentioned. We’ll call this our bonus reason for being impressed by ASEP.
Bonus Reason – Highly Experienced Leadership Team
ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) leadership includes:

Rudy A Mazzocchi - CEO and Chairman
Rudy A. Mazzocchi has over 30 years of senior executive management, technology and intellectual property development, and financing experience (institutional, venture, private and public) in the med-tech, biotech, and biopharma industries. As a founder of over a dozen healthcare companies, he has developed and commercialized multiple technologies ranging from diagnostics to implantable medical devices, requiring rigorous clinical validation and regulatory reviews, including FDA Clearance, CE Mark, and International Regulatory Approvals.
As Chairman/Acting-CEO of AGENTIX Biopharma Corp., he concurrently serves as Co-Founder/Vice-Chairman of the BioMedX Group, Executive Chairman of MY NEXT HEALTH and Independent Director of several private and public, early and growth-stage companies, and Senior Advisor to a variety of international corporations seeking global expansion and/or access to U.S. public markets. Mazzocchi previously served as Executive Chairman of Establishment Labs (NASDAQ: ESTA) and Independent Director of Greatbatch/Integer Medical (NYSE: ITGR).

Dr. Robert Hancock - COO and Director
Dr. Hancock is a leading microbiologist in Canada who has researched and taught at the University of British Columbia for nearly 40 years. His chief interest is in designing new therapeutic strategies to treat infections and inflammation in the light of increasing antibiotic resistance, coupled with a dearth of new antibiotic discovery. His research interests include cationic host defense peptides as novel antimicrobials, anti-biofilm agents, anti-inflammatory agents and modulators of innate immunity. He has published more than 760 papers and reviews, has more than 100,000 citations, an h-index of 162, and 65 patents awarded. Awards and honors include the Prix Galien (Highest award for Canadian Pharmaceutical Research and Innovation), the Killam Prize (Canada Council’s prize for Health Research), Michael Smith CIHR Researcher of the Year, and the ICAAC Aventis Antimicrobial Research Award (Leading award worldwide for antimicrobial research). In 2001 he was inducted as an Officer of the Order of Canada.

Jennifer Gretchen - CFO
Jen Gretchen is an experienced finance and accounting professional. She obtained her CA designation in 2014 from the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants while articling with KPMG Vancouver in the technology and telecommunications sector. She has managerial experience in financial planning, analysis and reporting. She has spent her career working with progressive tech companies, including Qualcomm Incorporated and has assisted multiple companies through IPO and M&A transactions.
Put these six reasons together and we believe they make quite the compelling case for ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) This is a company that could be coming along at an ideal time due to what is happening in the medical marketplace with antibiotics.
We’ve Entered a New Era of Medical Investing …
As the CDC itself said, a new era in modern medicine has dawned. The post-antibiotic era is here and it is bringing with it a unique opportunity for investors to get in low on companies with the technology to make a real difference going forward.
As antibiotic resistance continues to surge upward, the chances for market disruption are skyrocketing. We believe ASEP Medical Holdings has the potential to be a real market disrupter.
That’s why we urge you to do your due diligence on the company so that you can draw your own conclusions. This is a company that has a very strong leadership team, very healthy financials, two profitable sides to its business (diagnostic and therapeutic) and patented, breakthrough technology that separates it from the competition.
It also appears to be ideally positioned in a huge, and only getting ‘huger,’ market. That’s why we recommend that you add ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) to your watchlist immediately.
To help you with your on-going research, here is a quick recap of the many reasons why we consider ASEP Medical Holdings to be a potential market standout.
RECAP: 7 Attention-Grabbing Reasons to Consider Investing in ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF)
- Life-Saving Diagnosis – The company’s rapid test delivers earlier, faster diagnosis for life-saving targeted treatment of sepsis.
- Fortress Destroyer – ASEP’s patented pharmaceutical peptides target currently untreatable biofilm infections.
- Massive Market – The global antibiotic market is $41.9B with a CAGR of 3%. This is a huge global market with unmet medical needs that ASEP is targeting.
- Two Sides to the Story – ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) has both diagnostic and therapeutic sides to its business, offering two unique profit opportunities thanks to its novel technologies for diagnosis of sepsis and treatment of biofilm Infections.
- Orphan Medicine – By pursuing orphan [medicine] status for CRS in cystic fibrosis patients, the company could realize tax benefits, market exclusivity, financial savings and much more.
- Foundation for Success – ASEP Medical Holdings (CSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSFCSE:ASEP, OTCQB:SEPSF) combines extensive intellectual properties with healthy financials and strong partnerships to give itself three strong pillars for future growth.
- Experienced Management – ASEP’s experienced management team has proven track records in med-tech and biopharma.
18 Prescott, H.C., and T.D. Girard TD. 2020. Recovery from severe CV-19: Leveraging the lessons of survival from sepsis. Journal of the American Medical Association 324.8:739–740. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.14103
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This document contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, (collectively, “forward-looking statements”), which reflect expectations regarding ASEP Medical Holdings future growth, future business plans and opportunities, expected activities, and other statements about future events, results or performance. Wherever possible, words such as “predicts”, “projects”, “targets”, “plans”, “expects”, “does not expect”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “anticipate” or “does not anticipate”, “believe”, “intend” and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative or grammatical variation thereof or other variations thereof, or comparable terminology have been used to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements relating to: (a) revenue generating potential with respect to ASEP Medical Holdings industry; (b) market opportunity; (c) ASEP Medical Holdings business plans and strategies; (d) services that ASEP Medical Holdings intends to offer; (e) ASEP Medical Holdings milestone projections and targets; (f) ASEP Medical Holdings expectations regarding receipt of approval for regulatory applications; (g) ASEP Medical Holdings intentions to expand into other jurisdictions including the timeline expectations relating to those expansion plans; and (h) ASEP Medical Holdings expectations with regarding its ability to deliver shareholder value. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and are based upon a number of estimates and assumptions of management in light of management’s experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, as of the date of this document including, without limitation, assumptions about: (a) the ability to raise any necessary additional capital on reasonable terms to execute ASEP Medical Holdings business plan; (b) that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner; (c) ASEP Medical Holdings ability to procure equipment and operating supplies in sufficient quantities and on a timely basis; (d) ASEP Medical Holdings ability to enter into contractual arrangements; (e) the accuracy of budgeted costs and expenditures; (f) ASEP Medical Holdings ability to attract and retain skilled personnel; (g) political and regulatory stability; (h) the receipt of governmental, regulatory and third-party approvals, licenses and permits on favorable terms; (i) changes in applicable legislation; (j) stability in financial and capital markets; and (k) expectations regarding the level of disruption as a result of COVID-19. Such forward-looking information involves a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements of ASEP Medical Holdings to be materially different from any future plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, without limitation: (a) ASEP Medical Holdings operations could be adversely affected by possible future government legislation, policies and controls or by changes in applicable laws and regulations; (b) public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic may adversely impact ASEP Medical Holdings business; (c) the volatility of global capital markets; (d) political instability and changes to the regulations governing ASEP Medical Holdings business operations (e) ASEP Medical Holdings may be unable to implement its growth strategy; and (f) increased competition. Except as required by law, the Website Host undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future event or otherwise.
Any graphs, tables or other information demonstrating the historical performance or current or historical attributes of ASEP Medical Holdings or any other entity contained in this document are intended only to illustrate historical performance or current or historical attributes of ASEP Medical Holdings or such entities and are not necessarily indicative of future performance of ASEP Medical Holdings or such entities.