Novel Molecular Delivery Platform Marks a Major Shift in the Treatment of Cancer
May 3, 2023 | Tech

According to the National Cancer Institute, the market for new cancer treatments is expected to reach $194 billion by 2028, growing at a rate of 15% per year.
The biotech industry has been in a slump in recent months. The Nasdaq Biotechnology Index declined about 14 percent in the past year as investors’ attention and resources were redirected during towards clean energy and fintech.1
Yet all that may be about to change. A handful of smaller companies developing new cancer therapies have been seeing renewed attention.
That’s why some investors are taking a close look at a company that has been developing a new cellular delivery “platform” that could lead to a breakthrough.
Founded in 2017 by a team of surgeons and Ph.D. oncologists, biochemists, and pharmacists, 2 the Vancouver-based company aims to be a key player in the development of next-generation treatments.
This company’s new platform could be a game-changing technology with applicability to dozens of ailments.
In essence, this platform is a tiny molecule that functions like a kind of microscopic sponge. It can “soak up” any number of potent agents.
Plus, this platform does much more than that. It has the ability to escape the membrane “sac,” known as an endosome, that a cancer cell uses to isolate compounds that are attacking it. The agent can then penetrates directly into the cell’s nucleus.
Delivering Breakthrough Treatments Where They Can Be The Most Effective
An example of just how revolutionary this company’s new platform could be, can be seen with a new class of biopharmaceuticals known as ADCs – or Antibody Drug Conjugates.
These hybrid treatments are just what they sound like: they combine a natural antibody that targets a specific type of cancer with a cytotoxic drug that destroys the cancer cells. The problem is getting the ADC inside the cancer cells where they can be most effective.
In early laboratory tests, by combining an ADC with this new delivery mechanism, researchers have seen a dramatic increase in the effectiveness of some ADCs – by as much as 10 to 100 times!
At the moment, this company is collaborating with the HUS Comprehensive Cancer Center in Helsinki, Finland, to test and optimize this enhanced version of an ADC treatment for breast and gastric cancer.
This is a potentially huge breakthrough.
Developing state-of-the-art treatments
In addition to the platform itself, this company also has half a dozen products of its own in development based on the platform, including two in Phase I trials later in 2022 that focus on treatments for breast and skin cancer.
- First, the company has developed a series of four vaccines, dubbed AccuVACs, designed around the action of dendritic cells (DCs). These four vaccines are being developed for such deadly cancers as lymphoma, melanoma, breast, and colon cancer.
- The company also has two treatments in development based on antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). These cutting-edge hybrid treatments will be for different breast and gastric cancers.
- The third group of treatments This company is developing center around its AccuTOX agents. As its name implies, the AccuTOX agents are variants of the delivery mechanism, specifically targeting lymphoma and breast cancer cells.
- And the fourth group is a new treatment for Human Papillomavirus (HPV).
Each of these groups of treatments represent a huge market by itself. The market for breast cancer treatments alone is estimated to be $55.3 billion by 2027, and the market for HPV vaccines projected to be $12.7 billion the same year.
For a small company, developing a treatment in any one of these markets could be a breakthrough that drives its revenues higher.
The time to investigate this is now, before it gains FDA approval. Sign up to read more in our exclusive report.
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