The Biggest Energy Shift in 48 Years: “The Yellow Coal Boom”

This company is poised for a massive breakout as a tectonic shift in energy technologies reshapes the skyline of neighborhoods.
A rare event not seen in 48 years — has opened the door to an incredible investment opportunity that could rival some of the best performing stocks in history.
Fossil fuels and surprisingly some “green energy” sources are about to get second-class treatment while a fuel source some have dubbed “Yellow Coal” will get priority treatment.
Potentially lowering your energy bills and adding new jobs and structures to your neighborhood.
“Yellow Coal”, also known as uranium (yellow cake) is used for nuclear power.
Nuclear power isn’t anything new.
20% of US electricity is powered by nuclear energy.
But now we’re looking at nuclear energy 2.0.
The facts show nuclear power to be the safest form of energy available. And the cleanest.
“Nuclear energy, in terms of an overall safety record, is better than other energy.” -Bill Gates
“Nuclear power releases less radiation into the environment than any other major energy source.” -Yale
Coal power which we rely in large part to power our homes produces so much air pollution — it’s 35,042% more dangerous than nuclear energy.
When you compare energy sources in terms of how clean they are, coal comes in dead last. Nuclear wins hands down as the absolute cleanest, making it extremely attractive to global clean energy goals.
“Nuclear, especially next-generation nuclear, has tremendous potential to be part of the solution to climate change” – James Hansen, a former NASA climate scientist
Another reason for nuclear energy’s rising star status is that it’s just more efficient than other sources of energy.
Solar and wind energy once were considered the future of energy but not anymore. Lost on a lot of people is the fact that, to generate a considerable amount of energy, it would require massive deforestation to build solar panel and wind turbine farms.
Another problem with solar and wind energy is that the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow.
But nuclear power is a 24/7 power source that doesn’t require massive acreage.
Plus, it outshines the production capacity of all other forms of energy.
It beats coal two times over.
And outshines solar power four times over.
While the stage has been set for nuclear energy’s mass adoption, here’s where it really gets interesting for investors.
Global demand for energy is surging. With an estimated 76% demand between now and 2030 for more electricity.
Only nuclear energy can provide scalable carbon-free 24/7 baseload power. This is why much of the developing world is shifting to nuclear. About 450 nuclear power plants globally with over 50 under construction, and hundreds more are being planned. .
This demand for uranium is poised to increase significantly over the next decade.
There’s another catalyst for uranium prices to pop off.
Sprott Inc., a global assets management company specializing in precious assets like gold, silver and platinum – which has considerable influence over these markets…
To meet growing investor interest in direct uranium ownership, Sprott launched a new investment fund for uranium called the Sprott Physical Uranium Trust. It’s a first for investors to be able to directly invest in physical uranium, which is stored in Sprott’s facilities. This development could also apply upwards pressure on the uranium price.
Despite the enormous uranium demand, for the last five years there has been a supply shortage of uranium.
Currently the world’s demand for uranium is 183 million pounds, however global mine production is only at 138 million pounds, leaving–
A 100-million-pound deficit by 2030.
That spells opportunity for uranium investors.
In terms of real dollars, the uranium market was worth about $100 billion at one point.
Currently the uranium market is worth about $20 billion.
Leaving plenty of room for the market’s value to grow.
When the uranium market moves – it tends to shift fast and massively.
- The First Uranium Bull Market (Jan ’73 to May ’78) began following the post oil embargo. The market soared +629% in 5.3 years.
- The Second Uranium Bull Market (Dec ’00 to June ’07) surged along with the commodity supercycle +1,801% in 6.6 years.
Now with growing global consensus on committing to carbon neutrality, growing electricity demand, new retail investor interest and a uranium supply shortage —
We Could See the “Mother-of-All-Uranium Bull Runs”
And one company could be the biggest winner in North America’s uranium mining and exploration industry.
With a crack mining team, one of which is a geologist with 40 years of experience in this space, who played a pivotal role in exploration and development of one of the world’s largest uranium deposits.
The company has six high-grade, early stage, exploration projects across 965 square miles. With a deposit that is 10 times the size of the average uranium deposit in the world.
Their flagship project out of the six they have is Moore Lake. Which is located in Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin.
It contains the highest-grade uranium in the world. Up to 7 times better quality than the global average. Giving it a big advantage in the uranium space.
Along with their Moore Lake project, they have five other projects and plan on adding more. Part of this company’s strategy is to work with key partners in the development of these properties. One of which is France’s largest uranium mining and nuclear fuel company which employs 15,000 people.
This company receives cash payments and shares from these partners. Thus, monetizing all its properties.
40% of this company’s shares are held by insiders and management – that’s always a good sign. One of whom is famous commodities expert Doug Casey.
They understand the enormous potential this company offers shareholders.
Ultimately, the team at this company has an exit strategy to sell the company.
Aside from factors fueling the third uranium bull market which could be the biggest yet—
There are multiple catalysts in the near term that could skyrocket this company, including:
- A winter drill program at Moore Lake to test unconformity, basement, and regional targets.
- Continued execution of this company’s lucrative prospect generator strategy – they option projects to partner companies who fund exploration and pay cash/stock to this company.
- Additional marketing programs by this company.
What to do next?
This company trades for under $1. Making it riskier than some stocks. But the risk of missing out on the Mother-of-all-Uranium-Bull-Runs and the best stock to ride it, should be weighed carefully. Every investor’s situation is different.
It’s certainly worth exploring if it should be a part of your portfolio.
Start your due diligence right now by entering your email address to download the company’s investor deck.
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