One Small Company Could Be The Biggest Winner As The Enterprise Drone Market Soars To $30 Billion1

- Businesses across the spectrum are laying down orders for drones offering unique, customized solutions to their most vexing obstacles.
- Drones are now in highest demand for precision agriculture, medical assistance, insurance claims, environmental assessment, and even mining… led by a scorching 57% year growth for logistics.
- The company discussed in this article is in a leadership slot as the full-service drone company that multi-billion-dollar businesses trust for increased asset visibility and grounds security, improved loss prevention, and drastically reduced labor costs.
All the rosy predictions about drones back in 2017 couldn’t have been more wrong.
The boosters thought they were right to be optimistic. Turns out they were too humble.
Today, the worldwide drone market is bigger than helicopters2. And it’s all because drones have flown down an entirely new path.
Suddenly it’s enterprise drones, serving the needs of businesses that are launching into action so quickly the trend line has gone vertical.
And one company is the undisputed winner to watch here.
The Smart Money Is Doubling Down On Drones
Businesses are so motivated by drones’ winning economics Grandview Market Research says the commercial drone industry will be worth $501.4 billion by 2028.[i]
Everyone in the drone industry knows what’s going on.
But so far, it’s almost entirely the “smart-money” investors like hedge funds that have caught on to the booming enterprise trend in drones.
They’re even snatching up companies that haven’t earned a dime yet… that’s how sure they are that enterprise drones are tomorrow’s big moneymakers.
But your chance to be in early is drawing to a close. The trend is too big to stay hidden.
On February 7, 2022, Forbes ran an article with the headline “Drone Explosion: $5B Investment In 2 Years, 129 Startups, 170 New Craft.”
That says just one thing to smart investors: This moment is as good as it gets. The only real challenge is choosing the right investment.
This Company Has Major Cred In The Enterprise Market
Since its founding in 1998, enterprise buyers have looked to this company for its proven ability to tailor professional-quality equipment to precise demands.
The company has developed an impressive legacy of products, with 23 patents issued and one more currently pending.
Drone models cover the entire enterprise marketplace, including agriculture, insurance, resource management, mining, logistics, utilities, railroads, oil and gas, and communications.
They range from large quadcopters that can spread soil amendments over thousands of acres, to multirotor drones perfected for surveillance, to fixed wing drones that are ideal for mapping.
Businesses Need More Than The Unmanned Vehicles
When it comes to overhauling outdated operations and infrastructures with new technologies such as drones, what companies really need are experts.
People who can adapt a drone to specific payloads, or design new models as companies expand. Skilled professionals in aerial imaging and interpretation, data systems and more, that can guide companies through the set up and transition.
The company’s complete turnkey service platform and adept team is the main reason so many major brands have flocked to the company. Support capabilities include:
- Product development: multi-rotor, fixed wing, sensors, software and AI
- Contract engineering: prototypes and customized systems
- Software, Data and AI: Pairing software, systems and interface design for specific uses
- Flight Services: Mapping, surveying, data collection, delivery
This Companies Drones Are Hi-Tech, High-Impact, and In High-Demand
This company already been in business for more than two decades—successfully serving every one of the industries that analysts say will be worth multibillions in business ahead:
Brad Clow is a crop operations manager for the insurance company Country Financial. He’s a believer: “In the past, if we had a wind claim on a 200-acre field, we would deploy four to five adjusters to walk that entire field looking for damage. It could take four to five hours. Now we can fly that field and cover that 200 acres within probably 15 to 20 minutes.”[i]
Extreme weather is becoming more common. Insurance companies are taking a hit for payout… but they’re also feeling a pinch in manpower.
This company’s drones can solve that problem rapidly.
Mining and Construction Safety
PwC says this will soon be a $28.3 billion market. That growth’s coming in fast because of the massive savings drones can accomplish.
Here’s just one case: US regulations require construction and mining sites to be monitored for worker safety. Every inspection takes 10 hours to a few days—by an expert who probably earns $95K or more per year.[ii]
This company’s drone can do it in 15 minutes.
Agriculture and Farming
Agriculture is the largest segment of the Enterprise drone market, and it keeps getting bigger. In 2014, about a third of US farmers told the Farm Bureau they either used drones or were “thinking about it.” Four years later, that jumped to three-quarters.[iii]
For good reason – family and commercial farms are on the edge. Crop failure rates have soared as a result of extreme weather, high costs, supply chain woes, and other once uncontrollable environmental factors. But drones are now making many of those concerns obsolete.
In Japan, insect-size drones are doing the work of bees to pollinate flowers.
In Canada, drones that use a pressurized air cannon are able to plant 100,000 tree seedpods a day to save the forest. [iv]
This company’s drones are already in action, patrolling miles of farmland. They’re monitoring irrigation, locating free-roaming livestock, checking harvest readiness, looking for crop diseases, spotting areas where pesticides or fertilizer need to be reapplied, and more.
Take A Good Look at This Company Before Headlines Go Mainstream
We can’t stop the hedge funds… with their multi-million research teams and Bloomberg terminals, their deep industry connections, they’re truly the smart money in the game.
That’s why when hedge funds are seriously backing drone companies with commercial products, it’s time to see what’s there for you.
The hedge funds have made their move. Now the clock is ticking as financial outlets like Forbes report the emergence of enterprise drones as a breakout industry.
Sign up now to learn more about this early-entry company and see if this opportunity is right for your portfolio.
1Enterprise drones are $4 billion now. Will be $29 billion by 2030, per Statista
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