Scooters for Commuters Micromobility Just Became America’s Hottest Growth Industry
Automakers Are Worried. So Are Uber and Lyft.
Editorial Feature | Mar 21, 2022 | Industry

Trend investors should take note. There’s never been a new industry with a tailwind like this.
It touches on everything….
Climate change, big data, car prices, urbanization, pandemic, gig work, gridlock, pollution, governments in debt, the rise of Gen Z, inflation worries…. With real solutions.
And renting a scooter or moped on short trips is so much fun, customers can’t get enough.
That’s why you should turn your attention to the only major player in micromobility that has opened its arms to early investors – Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ).
Helbiz Rapidly Moving to the Lead
Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) is out to revolutionize the first- and last-mile personal transportation by replacing inefficient, short, car trips with dockless e-scooters, e-bikes and mopeds. Customers rent an e-scooter where they need it, when they need it, and walk away when they don’t.
Helbiz’s fast moving business is already #1 in Italy with 26 cities running smoothly.1 It’s added 12 US cities so far, and it’s about to expand operations and footprint throughout Europe.
Growth like that is compelling. But in the crowded micromobility game, what investors really need to know about HLBZ is how it differs from everyone else.
There’s a lot that’s right for Helbiz, but the one factor that really sets HLBZ apart from the sector’s pretenders is this– consistency.
Micromobility using shared, dockless e-scooters is a new industry that just came to life in late 2018. Dozens of companies have seen the potential gold mine in it. But most startups have failed. Even the big names have suffered setbacks.
But not Helbiz. HLBZ has grown smoothly through good times and bad… even while other companies like Lime2 and Bird3 are cutting back operations or bleeding cash.
And its torrid growth, as it advances toward an exponential increase in winning new city licenses by 2025 will just speed up the cash flow.
That’s because…
Every new launch can be executed and begin generating revenues within days after Helbiz wins a city approval to operate.
Think about what that means as Helbiz marches forward.
What’s the First- and Last-Mile Market Worth to Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ)
- Taxis, Uber, Lyft et al had $60 billion revenues in the US in 2019, the year before pandemic hit.
- Only 60% of us ever use a taxi a few times a year.
- 45% of scooter usage is replacing car and ride-hail trips.
- Plus, people with tight budgets walk or take the bus instead. They are switching to scooters where they’re available, too.
- Most people with cars will only walk a quarter mile before they grab their car keys. Or take a scooter.
- The average e-scooter trip is 1.7 miles—taxis, busses and cars look out. Micromobility is coming for you.
Profits Are Green
Next up in the list of what makes Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) stand out from other scooter companies is this…
Real pollution cutting results.
Every company brags about how a ride on a scooter, e-bike or moped cuts greenhouse gases, but it’s a misleading claim.
Those new scooters and bikes spew greenhouse gases in the manufacturing. So do all the gas-powered vans and trucks that constantly move them around. So when competitors use equipment that wears out in as little as 28 days, there is no greenhouse gas savings.4
HLBZ is working to radically cut its greenhouse footprint… even with the carbon dioxide generated from manufacturing. That’s because HLBZ deploys better equipment so it lasts longer. It uses sturdy, reliable equipment from Segway and has developed its own Helbiz One-S e-scooter that can take the stress and hold up.
Plus, when a scooter, bike or moped is done, it’s all recycled. Down to the last screw.
To make sure that happened, Helbiz recently partnered with another innovative company, Li-Cycle.
When Helbiz batteries reach their end of life, Li-Cycle will collect them to recover valuable energy minerals including lithium, cobalt and nickel, and return them to the supply chain.
Ruggero Cipriani Foresio, Chief Marketing Officer of Helbiz, sees this collaboration as part of the company’s commitment to worldwide sustainability and its dedication to helping cities create a greener future.
It all adds up to a massive upside potential for Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) and early its investors.
A Completely New Twist Stuns Transport Industry
Helbiz is the first micromobility company to list shares in the US, on Nasdaq.
This is a breakout market you don’t want to miss. And the stability of Nasdaq should give investors the confidence to pour into Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) at a greater rate than we are already experiencing.
There’s no better industry for growth investors.

Micromobility’s expected to enjoy a 29% CAGR for the next decade. Only one US industry is growing faster that this —making ventilators for hospital ICU’s because of Covid-19.5
And don’t get distracted by thinking EV’s are the sweet spot. It’s true that EV’s 18% growth is the hotspot for transportation manufacturers. But this is far bigger. 6 It’s definitely a lot richer than 4.8% growth you’d get betting on the future of cars7.
But the best part is that as well as being the first company in this new business to list its shares on Nasdaq, HLBZ gives you a rare chance to tap red-hot growth at prices that are still a bargain.
You Can Be In At The Beginning
McKinsey & Co. predicts micromobility, led by scooter rentals, will be a $330-$500 billion global market by 2030.8
For an idea how impressive that is, it was only $3 billion in 2018.9 It just hit $40 billion in 2020.10

That’s how close you are today to the beginning of this transition as Helbiz rapidly gains pole position and a major name in this new business.
This is your chance to ride along with an emerging leader as shared fleets of e-scooters, e-bikes and mopeds change the dynamics of the personal and public transportation industries.
Helbiz Is on a Quest to Be The Best In Its Chosen Market
Like all of Nasdaq’s best startups, Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) is super focused. It set out to do one thing better than anyone else. …
Like Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) perfected coffee before it tackled chai and grocery store drinks. Like Amazon (NASDAQ: AMZN) conquered bookselling before it became an “everything” store.
Helbiz is laser-beamed on one precise segment of the transportation market—the first and last mile hops.
You know those trips. The ones where it can take longer to find your keys, lock the house, warm up the car or get the AC cool, and park than the whole trip is worth…
To the drugstore. To get a haircut. To mail a package. To go out for dinner.
For people who work, visit, or live in towns and cities, it’s the gap between where the mass transit ends and their destination. It’s the trip just a little too long for walking where they’d hail a cab.
It turns out that those short trips are the most important segment of personal mobility….60% of the car trips we make in the US are less than five miles.11
It’s why micromobility is set to cut into new car sales—because if short trips are most of your driving, who would need a car?
Gen Z doesn’t.
Take the Scooter… Cars Are Stalling, and Gen Z Isn’t Buying
Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) knows its customers. Three quarters of their scooter riders are Millennials or Gen-Z.12 That’s ages 41 and below. The oldest Gen Z riders are 26 now. They’re not going to age out of scooters, bikes, or mopeds any time soon.
Gen-Z isn’t even buying cars. That looks like a trend that’s going to stick even as they become older. It’s an attitude.

Gen Z is green. They’re committed to living sustainably.
The environment is their biggest concern13. Drivers aged 25-29 are the largest group of adults14, but they only own about 1% of America’s cars.15
Why isn’t Gen-Z buying?
Have you priced new cars lately? Kelly Blue Book and Consumer Reports found that the average price of a new car is $47,00010 in 2022. And if you think that’s bad, the price of used cars is up 33% since January 2021.16
According to GO Banking it takes an annual $71,000 to $89,000 salary to afford a new car depending on the buyer’s state. That’s over the heads of most 30-year olds17.
And here’s more proof people would like to ditch the headaches and high costs of car ownership if they have a choice… 10% of new car sales these days are for a shared vehicle.
It’s why Ford Motor Company18, Lyft19, and Uber20 all have stakes in micromobility companies.
Sustainability Gen-Z Will Approve22
- Valuable battery minerals such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel can be recycled. Helbiz has partnered a deal with Li-Cycle to put its spent battery minerals back into production…. Not into the waste stream.
- Based on data from Paris, Ernst and Young found that 12% of e-scooter rides replace car trips.
- E&Y also found that, compared to using the car, taking an e-scooter creates 71% lower carbon dioxide emissions.
- Paprec, France’s leading recycling company has found that 90% of the material in a scooter can be recovered and recycled. Nearly all—99% of the plastics, aluminum and steel in a scooter can be recycled. And so can 70% of the material in the battery.
Rock-solid, Responsible Helbiz Is Passing US First Movers
Short-range commutes are perfect for e-scooters, e-bikes, mopeds. The average e-scooter trip is 1.6 miles.
This is the perfect setting for the future of Helbiz, too.
It’s a prospect that should set investors’ hearts racing.
Helbiz is already #1 in Italy. It’s on a rapid path to dominate city after city in the US next, but it’s not there yet.
That’s why this is the perfect time to take a good look at Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ)
While new to America, Helbiz has carved out a winning path against other giants, such as Bird and Lime in cities like Washington DC, Miami, Sacramento and Richmond.
Lime is a billion-dollar unicorn that’s fat with cash from investments from hedge funds like Bain and GV…22. Bird can tap into $150 million of financing from Apollo Investment Corp.
But despite rich funding, both companies have huge problems that make them vulnerable to a reputable, well-run operation…. Namely Helbiz.
Helbiz has never allowed or accepted a business model based on dumping scooters where they’re not wanted, or letting them turn into menaces. In city after city, local officials and citizens have found Helbiz made life better and the environment cleaner.
Helbiz Makes a Good Guest
Good companies have clear missions and a strong vision. Helbiz is making micro-transportation accessible, solving transportation problems with sustainable answers. In addition, it’s determined to make everything it does help create cleaner, greener cities and towns.
Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) takes a hyper-local approach to expanding to cities and towns. Every city gets its own plan that meets local needs. In some cities, like Washington, DC, for instance, Helbiz is helping solve transportation shortages in poorer sections of the city while it also supports the city’s vibrant tourist industry.
Helbiz doesn’t leave good relations to chance. It sends out company ambassadors to teach best practices and safety. It holds training and information events for users. It’s held rodeos people have loved and given away free helmets to encourage ridership… all in the quest to be a good partner to the cities where it operates.
And Helbiz management keeps its eye on every level of its business. Helbiz does not use third parties to support operations like rounding up parked scooters or recharging them. That’s one of the things that other e-scooter companies have done that have caused problems such as bikes dumped where they don’t belong or gig workers with apps breaking speed limits as they try to outrace other workers to pick up bikes.
Helbiz also invests in heavier, safer bike models.
The upshot is that all this “doing good” for the community is really doing good for the company. It feeds growth—Helbiz’s reputation goes before it. That’s one reason it has an exceptionally strong approval rate for winning licenses to operate.
Leaders Lead Where Committees Fail
Clear vision is what makes Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) a good investment. And even if any other micromobility company were available, it would still be the best choice because the winning management team is in charge.
That’s not the cases for hedge-fund-dominated companies like Bird and Lime. Sure, that backing gave them money to burn. But then they burned it!
So they started off too fast and grew too rapidly. Not always so wisely.
Sometimes they invaded cities that didn’t want them. Some cities let them in then threw them out or limited where they could go23. Others barred them24. Newspaper stories panned them. People dodging them on sidewalks hated them.
That’s why Helbiz, carefully lead by its visionary founder, Salvatore Palella, has repeatedly displaced them when they’ve competed directly:
- Washington, DC, threw Lime and Bird out in 2020.25
It invited Helbiz to come in with 2,500 e-bikes to start.
- In 2019, Santa Barbara’s City Council voted 6-0 to ban Bird, after they dumped hundreds of scooters on the street without permission, causing massive “urban litter” and sidewalk accidents26.
In September 2021, the city turned to Helbiz to start up a new scooter service that would respect the city’s clean and peaceful vibe.27
- When Bird dropped hundreds of unauthorized scooters around Richmond, VA, the city confiscated them.
Helbiz operates in Richmond with the city’s blessing, obeying laws and paying proper fees.
Missed Opportunity for Them, Wide Open Door for Helbiz
Those cases were bad for the former leaders, but the pandemic really put the brakes on. Scooter commuters disappeared from the streets.
That’s when the hedge fund bosses decreed that Bird and Lime had to cut back.
While Lime laid off 13% of its workforce28 and Bird slashed 30% of its personnel29, Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) expanded.
It was an opportunity Salvatore Palella, founder of Helbiz, was ready to grab. As other companies’ ability to operate and their methods were faltering, Palella was able to leverage a Helbiz Inc’s outstanding record in Italy.
Helbiz wins 65% of the time when it applies to a city for a permit. Since most cities only allow 2-5 companies to operate and there are dozens vying, that is a phenomenal win rate.
Cities Are Learning They Can Trust Helbiz (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ)
Palella and Helbiz are grabbing those wins for good reasons:
Innovative equipment: Helbiz has often turned to the most durable brand in the commercial scooter industry—Segway. But now it’s gone one better. It just unveiled its own brand, the Helbiz One-S, made in Italy.
The One-S has a heavy duty, stable frame with a longer footbed for the comfort and safety of riders. Its onboard GPS system will alert users and the company when they are on bike paths or in zones that cities have designated as off limits. Dual electric brakes make stopping smoother, and the bikes are speed restricted to comply with local laws.
These scooters also generate repair and maintenance tickets automatically so they are always in top condition.
Safe Technology: Cities trust Helbiz because they make user safety and respect for regulations priorities in their daily operations. Helbiz scooters are GPS monitored so they do not go into forbidden areas of the city—including quiet zones. They are also regulated so they can’t operate at excessive speeds. In some cities, users must take training first.
In January 2022, Helbiz also formalized a new partnership with Segway to place Segway vehicles, including e-bikes and e-scooters globally. Helbiz has been using Segway equipment for the past two years. This is a big edge over many competitors that have struggled with cheap, poorly made vehicles that don’t hold up. The company is especially excited about the new Segway T60 Lite scooter. It has a fisheye camera that detects and avoids obstacles and road edges and recognizes pedestrians. All Segway models are developed with the most advanced IoT technologies.
Snafu-Free Parking: Helbiz has partnered with Fantasmo to keep track of its fleet. Fantasmo’s Camera Positioning Standard (CPS) technology can detect the exact location of e-scooters and validate parking within 8 inches or less. With this technology, Helbiz can tell where every scooter is within 8 inches. Nothing gets parked illegally and forgotten. Plus, riders can’t stray into no-go zones without anyone noticing. Dumped and illegally parked vehicles are one of the main reasons cities have resisted e-scooters and moped. Helbiz makes sure that’s no problem.
Safe Operations: Riders have to pass a safety check and trial ride before they are allowed to operate at higher speed. In many cases, they have to take a selfie showing their helmets to unlock the scooter or bike. Helbiz also schedules safety events and helmet giveaways.
Social Support: The key to winning Washington, DC, was offering a plan to making low-cost transportation available to low-income riders and areas of the city that were underserved. Helbiz regularly develops reduced or free service programs to help cities.
Responsible Operation: Wherever Helbiz works, it hires a city manager and a local trained team of mechanics and drivers to maintain a hyper local approach and positive relations with each city. The Fantasmo partnership means that Helbiz also monitors for tipped and illegally parked scooters and corrects the problem.
Turning on the Money Spigot
Helbiz’s (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) smart expansion plans are working out because it’s clearly identified its niche. Its focus is laser-beamed on short trips. Someone else can have the rest of the commuter market.
But that doesn’t mean scooter rides that only last a few minutes are the only looking at one way to make money.
That’s the foundation. And those scooters, bikes and mopeds open the way to more revenue streams.

- In the US, most Helbiz riders will likely reserve, unlock, ride, park and pay using the Helbiz app. And that means in-app advertising revenue.
- Helbiz is also developing advertising linked to standup parking stations and vehicles themselves.
- Businesses can pay Helbiz for rights to advertise their locations on the app screen as vehicles approach them.
- Customers can sign up for regular monthly access packages, so that even if their trips are short, it adds up to day in, day out loyalty and to maximize regular use and income.
- Helbiz Kitchen. Now operating in Milan, Helbiz owns and manages this entire “ghost kitchen” operation, the kitchen workspaces to the vehicles, to the software that powers the platform, to the staff hired. Helbiz Kitchen allows customers to order delivery meals from any combination from six ghost restaurant menus centered on pizza, hamburgers, salads, poke bowls, sushi, and ice cream. Then the delivery arrives promptly by “Helbiz butlers” riding distinctive Helbiz scooters. Helbiz is even creating its own premium ice cream brand. The Milan model is targeted to expand to Washington, DC, and other Italian cities next.
- Helbiz Media, proprietary OTT platform for the international streaming of sport, entertainment and lifestyle content through innovative and interactive formats tailor-made for new generations, has a three-year media license to stream the complete Italian Series B soccer championships. All 20 Clubs, more than 390 soccer matches in the regular season through to playoffs. Furthermore Helbiz Media acquired the rights to NFL content and highlights for Italy, NCAA Basketball and Football, Globe Soccer Awards 2021 and is now looking towards e-sports and e-games.
- These rights, together with the Helbiz Kitchen food delivery, represent another way to promote Helbiz Unlimited monthly subscriptions for as many rides as the user wants and to generate ad revenues
The Welcome Sign Is Out— Cities Are Redesigning In Favor of Micromobility
When Covid-19 hit, traffic fell drastically. Cities became quieter. Calmer. Safer.
Air quality improved, and people liked it. Now they are liking what Helbiz can do to keep things better,
Cities saw that micromobility could be their ally in helping people move around without inviting cars to take over again.
Helbiz scooters don’t need four-story parking garages or parking lots the size of a football field.
Roads get a break as well. Meg Dunn who writes the Pedal Ft. Collins blog calculated that one “fat man on a freakishly heavy bicycle” would have to take 17,059 trips to equal the road damage of one trip in a family car30.
And cities are now changing in ways that make micromobility work even better….
The Action Has Already Started
Pittsburgh is setting up miles of dedicated bike trails and lanes that scooters can use.31
In Washington, DC, the city is installing parking corrals off the sidewalks for e-scooters and e-bikes.32
Milan, Paris, and Brussels are turning streets that used to belong to cars into bike lanes.
Seattle has permanently closed 37 miles of roads to cars so that pedestrians, scooters and bikes can use them.33
Some cities—including New York, Oslo, Madrid, and London—are banning cars over large areas to reduce pollution or limiting access.34
This is a trend that is ripe to grow.
It answers big needs with a simple solution that’s ready to go now.
And Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) is the only micromobility company listed on NASDAQ.
It’s your way in.
9 Top Reasons Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) Should Be on Your Radar Today
- Mega-trend on steroids. It’s the most investible transportation trend since Henry Ford made the horse obsolete. Micromobility is already replacing personal cars, ride-hail transport, walking, and busses on short, less-than-five mile trips. And that’s a big slice… about 60% of personal car traffic is this length. This won’t stay hidden long.
- Crying Need, Part A. By 2050 two-thirds of the world will live in cities, making this urban commuting trend even bigger. Cities are choking with the noise, pollution, and gridlock cars cause… and they’re taking action to limit cars in city centers, historic areas, and quiet zones. That’s why even small cities are turning to scooters and e-bikes to help.
- Crying Need, Part B. Most developed countries in the world are taking action to reduce greenhouse gases. But people still need to move around. Micromobility answers that need while it brings serious reductions in greenhouse gases and pollution.
- Cheapest Possible Solution for Cities (with Added Income Potential, Too). With micromobility, no one needs to build a subway system or purchase buses. An invitation to apply will bring in companies clamoring for permission to operate. But even with so many competitors, Helbiz wins the majority of the time. And it always cooperates with city officials to achieve results that are good for everyone involved. Cities save costs, but they collect licensing and other revenues.
- Inspired Management. We don’t mistake fat resumes for genius, though Helbiz Inc. is full of leaders with impressive backgrounds. Salvatore Palella, its founder and CEO, is a longtime entrepreneur and it’s his vision of a micromobility company with a strong environmental, social, and governance ethic that has made Helbiz into an industry leader. Every scooter company has scooters, but Helbiz has managed costs, operations, and growth strategy to make this into a real David beating Goliath story.
- Community Good Citizenship. Helbiz is committed to making its transport a force for a better environment and world. It provides free helmets to encourage ridership, hold training fairs and events, and works with several cities to bring service to low-income citizens and communities. These activities create cordial relations with local governments that helps build Helbiz’s reputation.
- Pandemic Solution. Helbiz’s team puts clean, wiped-down scooters and bikes out for rent each day. Riding solo in the fresh air is more and more attractive now while people are avoiding enclosed spaces.
- Measured Growth. Helbiz is growing so fast that it expects revenues to increase 54% a year until 2025. But it is not growing recklessly like competitors who went too far then had to pull back.
- Multiple Income Streams. The scooter and bike business is the attention grabber. But their success means advertising revenues on vehicles, parking stands, and in the app. Helbiz Kitchen, being tested now, should add even more revenue. Then there are payment systems and Serie B football add-ins. A lot of verticals with serious potential to enrich the bottom line.
The Word Is Out On Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) and It’s Staring to Soar
There were 743 NASDAQ IPOs and new listings in 2021.35
They involved a lot of famous names, such as SoFi, 23AndMe, Coinbase, and Honeywell… on such a crowded stage it is no surprise that the spotlight never found a lot of solid companies like Helbiz.
That makes this your perfect chance.
Investors with interest should quickly speak with their broker or advisor… and show them this story too.
That’s all because Helbiz Inc. (NASDAQ: HLBZNASDAQ: HLBZ) now has the look of what could be one of 2022’s surprise breakout investment winners.
2 Lime is cutting back
3 Bird is losing money
6 19.8% expected 2021-2028.
9 micromobility market size 2018 was $3 billion globally
12 Helbiz investor deck August 2021
18 Ford owns Spin.
20 Uber owned Jump Bike and also a piece of Lime. Lime bought Jump, while Uber keeps a stake and has option to buy Lime in 2022.
21 Ernst and Young. Micromobility: Moving Cities Into a Sustainable Future. EYG no: 001132-20Gbl. 2020. Online at
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The Publisher does not own any shares of any profiled company HLBZ and has no information concerning share ownership by others of in the profiled company HLBZ. The Publisher cautions readers to beware that third parties, profiled companies, and/or their affiliates may liquidate shares of the profiled companies at any time, including at or near the time you read the articles on this website and this has the potential to hurt share prices. Frequently companies profiled in such articles experience a large increase in volume and share price during the course of investor awareness marketing, which often ends as soon as the investor awareness marketing ceases.
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The Website Host does not own any shares of any profiled Helbiz Inc. and has no information concerning share ownership by others of any profiled Helbiz Inc.. The Website Host cautions readers to beware that third parties, profiled companies, and/or their affiliates may liquidate shares of the profiled companies at any time, including at or near the time you read the articles on this website and this has the potential to hurt share prices. Frequently companies profiled in such articles experience a large increase in volume and share price during the course of investor awareness marketing, which often ends as soon as the investor awareness marketing ceases.
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This document contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, (collectively, “forward-looking statements”), which reflect expectations regarding Helbiz Inc. future growth, future business plans and opportunities, expected activities, and other statements about future events, results or performance. Wherever possible, words such as “predicts”, “projects”, “targets”, “plans”, “expects”, “does not expect”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “anticipate” or “does not anticipate”, “believe”, “intend” and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative or grammatical variation thereof or other variations thereof, or comparable terminology have been used to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements relating to: (a) revenue generating potential with respect to Helbiz Inc. industry; (b) market opportunity; (c) Helbiz Inc. business plans and strategies; (d) services that Helbiz Inc. intends to offer; (e) Helbiz Inc. milestone projections and targets; (f) Helbiz Inc. expectations regarding receipt of approval for regulatory applications; (g) Helbiz Inc. intentions to expand into other jurisdictions including the timeline expectations relating to those expansion plans; and (h) Helbiz Inc. expectations with regarding its ability to deliver shareholder value. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and are based upon a number of estimates and assumptions of management in light of management’s experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, as of the date of this document including, without limitation, assumptions about: (a) the ability to raise any necessary additional capital on reasonable terms to execute Helbiz Inc. business plan; (b) that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner; (c) Helbiz Inc. ability to procure equipment and operating supplies in sufficient quantities and on a timely basis; (d) Helbiz Inc. ability to enter into contractual arrangements; (e) the accuracy of budgeted costs and expenditures; (f) Helbiz Inc. ability to attract and retain skilled personnel; (g) political and regulatory stability; (h) the receipt of governmental, regulatory and third-party approvals, licenses and permits on favorable terms; (i) changes in applicable legislation; (j) stability in financial and capital markets; and (k) expectations regarding the level of disruption as a result of COVID-19. Such forward-looking information involves a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements of Helbiz Inc. to be materially different from any future plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, without limitation: (a) Helbiz Inc. operations could be adversely affected by possible future government legislation, policies and controls or by changes in applicable laws and regulations; (b) public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic may adversely impact Helbiz Inc. business; (c) the volatility of global capital markets; (d) political instability and changes to the regulations governing Helbiz Inc. business operations (e) Helbiz Inc. may be unable to implement its growth strategy; and (f) increased competition. Except as required by law, the Website Host undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future event or otherwise.
Any graphs, tables or other information demonstrating the historical performance or current or historical attributes of Helbiz Inc. or any other entity contained in this document are intended only to illustrate historical performance or current or historical attributes of Helbiz Inc. or such entities and are not necessarily indicative of future performance of Helbiz Inc. or such entities.