Scooters for Commuters Micromobility Just Became America’s Hottest Growth Industry
Automakers Are Worried. So Are Uber and Lyft.

Trend investors should take note. There’s never been a new industry with a tailwind like this.
It touches on everything….
ESG, Big data, car prices, urbanization, gig work, gridlock, pollution, inflation, the rise of Gen Z… With real solutions.
And renting a scooter or moped on short trips is so much fun, customers can’t get enough.
That’s why you should turn your attention to the only major player in micromobility that has opened its arms to early investors.
Rapidly Moving to the Lead
This company is out to revolutionize the first- and last-mile personal transportation by replacing inefficient, short, car trips with dockless e-scooters, e-bikes and mopeds.
With shares that are already up more than 40% since August, this fast mover is already #1 in Italy with 26 cities running smoothly. 1 It’s added 14 US cities so far, and it’s about to open in Paris and Bordeaux, France.2
Growth like that is compelling. But in the crowded micromobility game, what investors really need to know is how this company differs from everyone else.
Investors should focus on the biggest factor that sets this company apart from the sectors pretenders – which is that this company looks to be on a fast track to turn a profit this fiscal year… 2021.
That’s while other companies like Skip are bankrupting3 and the giants like Lime4 and Bird5 are cutting back or bleeding cash.
And its torrid growth, as it advances toward 279 city licenses by 2025 will just speed up the cash flow.
That’s because….
Every time they launch in a new city, this company expects to achieve profitability there in 4 weeks
Profits Are Green
Next up in the list of what makes this company stand out from other scooter companies is this…
Real pollution cutting results.
Every company brags about how a ride on a scooter, e-bike or moped cuts greenhouse gases, but it’s a misleading claim.
Those new scooters and bikes spew greenhouse gases in the manufacturing. So do all the gas-powered vans and trucks that constantly move them around. So when competitors use equipment that wears out in as little as 28 day, there is no greenhouse gas savings.6
In contrast, this company says it will be completely carbon neutral in 2022… even when you count the manufacturing. That’s because they use sturdier equipment so their product lasts longer.
Plus, when a scooter, bike or moped is done, it’s all recycled. Down to the last screw.
It all adds up to a massive upside potential.
A Completely New Twist Stuns Transport Industry
This is the first micromobility company to list shares in the US, on Nasdaq. Its competitors are penny stocks or privately held.
It is a breakout market you don’t want to miss. And the stability of Nasdaq should give investors the confidence to pour into the company at a greater rate than we are already experiencing.
Micromobility’s expected to enjoy a 29% CAGR for the next decade.7
And don’t get distracted thinking EV’s 18% growth is the hotspot in transportation. This is bigger.8 It’s a lot better than 4.8% you’d get betting on the future of cars9.
But the best part is that with the first company to list on Nasdaq, it is a rare chance to tap red-hot growth at prices that are still a bargain.
You Can Be In At The Beginning
McKinsey & Co. predicts micromobility, led by scooter rentals, will be a $330-$500 billion global market by 2030.10
For an idea how impressive that is, it was only $3 billion in 2018.11 It just hit $40 billion in 2020.8
That’s how close you are today to the beginning of this transition as this company rapidly gains pole position and a major name in this new business.
This is your chance to ride along with an emerging leader as shared fleets of e-scooters, e-bikes and mopeds change the dynamics of the personal and public transportation industries.
A Juicy Opportunity, Just Ready for Picking
The best time to get into any under-the-radar startup is immediately before it announces its first profits.3,14
This is that moment. Because this little-known company just hit the Nasdaq stock market in August. It’s so new, it’s still under the radars, but that’s due to change…
Because the company says it will be earnings positive for 2021.
Meanwhile, here’s what else is projected ahead…
- Expects positive earnings immediately, growing at 95% CAGR from 2021 to 2025
- Projects 54% CAGR revenue growth to $479 million in 2025
- Expects 67% CAGR in gross profits 2021-2025, to reach $264 billion
- Targets city-approved and licensed operations in 279 cities by 2025
- Projects its fleet will grow from 32,000 vehicles today to 95,000 in 2025
Can We Be Sure of $$$$$?
These projections come from the company. How realistic are they? Investors need to know.
These are very credible targets, and this is why:
- Three years of operations in Italy first: The company is already making positive revenues on its Italian operations. Same model, same results should come in the US.
- Realistic cost controls: They have built a cost system for that would break even if each scooter were used only twice a day.
Which means, this company is calculating less income than we might reasonably expect. Usage varies from city to city, but we have some comps:
Small cities, study for Louisville, KY: 3.5 rides a day15.
Large cities, study for Chicago: 2.5 during pandemic, 3.7 before it.16
US total, NACTO, for fleets up to 2,500 vehicles: just over 4 trips a day17.
That makes the company’s profit projections look modest and gives savvy investors reasons to believe it will meet and beat those numbers.
- Careful deployment: Before the company places e-scooters, e-bikes or mopeds in a city, it works with city managers and councils.
All operations are under license and the company has studied costs and fees carefully first.
The Welcome Sign Is Out— Cities Are Redesigning In Favor of Micromobility
Cities are seeing that micromobility could be their ally in helping people move around without inviting cars to take over again.
Scooters don’t need four-story parking garages or parking lots the size of a football field.
Roads get a break as well. Meg Dunn who writes the Pedal Ft. Collins blog calculated that one “fat man on a freakishly heavy bicycle” would have to take 17,059 trips to equal the road damage of one trip in a family car14.
And cities are now changing in ways that make micromobility work even better….
The Action Has Already Started
Pittsburgh is setting up miles of dedicated bike trails and lanes that scooters can use.19
In Washington, DC, the city is installing parking corrals off the sidewalks for e-scooters and e-bikes.20
Milan, Paris, and Brussels are turning streets that used to belong to cars into bike lanes.
Seattle has permanently closed 37 miles of roads to cars so that pedestrians, scooters and bikes can use them.21
Some cities—including New York, Oslo, Madrid, and London—are banning cars over large areas to reduce pollution or limiting access.22
This is a trend that is ripe to grow.
It answers big needs with a simple solution that’s ready to go now.
And this is the only micromobility company listed on NASDAQ.
It’s your way in.
2 These figures may need adjusting. Counts taken from website, including “coming”
4 Lime is cutting back
5 Bird is losing money
8 19.8% expected 2021-2028.
11 micromobility market size 2018 was $3 billion globally
13 investment strategy often used by growth investors and penny-stock investors
14 Helbiz began trading on Nasdaq Aug 13, 2021, so coming quarters or FY 2021 report would be first to announce positive earnings if target in Helbiz investor deck ($13 million EBDITA for 2021) holds true.
15 5
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