Breakthrough advances have driven small-cap cancer treatment companies to gains of 453%, 505%, and 720% in the past 24-36 months.
Now an undiscovered biotech, Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC), will soon conduct Phase 1 trials of a new patented cellular delivery platform that could revolutionize the treatment of cancer and other diseases.
Biotech stocks have been on a rebound in recent months. The Nasdaq Biotechnology Index is up a whopping 22 percent1 from June of 2022, a bright spot in an otherwise lackluster market.
Investors like small-cap biotech stocks because of their low share prices and potential for sudden, explosive profits. For example, it’s not uncommon for an undiscovered anti-cancer company to have a single breakthrough that drives the price of its stock from a few dollars to $10 to $20 per share.
And that’s why some investors are taking a closer look at Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC).
It’s a clinical stage company developing a novel cellular delivery “platform,” recently patented by the U.S. government, that could lead to breakthrough treatments for cancer and many other diseases.2 The company is currently moving forward with Phase 1 clinical trials for products using its platform.
This is a remarkable development and a testimony to the potential of the company’s drug-delivery technology. It often takes up to a decade to develop a new biotech product, yet Defence Therapeutics is doing it in just 24 to 36 months.
Founded in 2017 by a team of immune-oncologists, biochemists, pharmacists and surgeons,2 the Vancouver-based company aims to be a key player in the development of next-generation cancer and infectious disease treatments.
The potential is enormous. For example, at the moment there are only a handful of anti-cancer vaccines on the market.
One is produced by a privately held company called Dendreon. The others are Gardasil-9 produced by Merck and Cervarix by GSK, anti-viral vaccines that protect against cervical cancer.
Paradoxically, the reason why there are so few anti-cancer vaccines on the market is not because effective treatment agents aren’t available. They are.
The problem is that pharmaceutical companies have trouble getting the treatment agents where they can do the most good, inside the right cells themselves.
Countering Cancer’s Natural Defenses and Destroying Tumor Cells from the Inside
It turns out cancer cells are very good at defending themselves against immune system and pharmacological attacks. They can detect approaching drug molecules and neutralize them in a kind of protective sac, rendering them powerless.
That’s why Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC)’s new AccumTM platform could be a game-changing technology with applicability to dozens of life-threatening ailments.
In essence, AccumTM is a tiny molecule that functions like a kind of microscopic sponge. It can “soak up” any number of potent anti-cancer and anti-viral agents.
Plus, AccumTM does much more than that. It has the ability to evade a cancer cell’s defenses by escaping the membrane “sac,” known as an endosome, that a cancerous cell uses to envelope and neutralize drug compounds attacking it.
By evading this sac, the AccumTM molecules (along with the anti-cancer treatments they are “carrying”) is then able to penetrate directly the cell’s nucleus, releasing the cancer-dissolving agents inside the nucleus itself.

Boosting the Effectiveness of Treatments By 10 to 100 Times
This is a potentially huge breakthrough.
The AccumTM platform could boost the effectiveness of new cancer treatments and technologies by up to 10 to 100 times, including super-advanced gene therapies.
One example of just how revolutionary Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC)’s new AccumTM platform could be can be seen with a new class of biopharmaceuticals known as ADCs – or Antibody Drug Conjugates.
These hybrid treatments are just what they sound like: they combine a natural antibody that targets a specific type of cancer with a cytotoxic drug that destroys the cancer cells. The problem is getting the ADC inside the cancer cells where they can be most effective.
In early laboratory tests, by combining an ADC with the AccumTM platform molecule, researchers have seen a dramatic increase in the effectiveness of some ADCs – by as much as 10 to 100 times!
At the moment, Defence Therapeutics is testing and optimizing an AccumTM-enhanced version of an ADC treatment for breast and gastric cancer.
In other words: Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC) could become a key player in the delivery of cancer-fighting technologies developed by other companies.
In effect, it would be the “FedEx” of the pharmaceutical industry, providing fast and reliable delivery of products that fight cancer and other deadly diseases.
This is clearly an exciting development.
The Cancer Treatment Market is Expected to Triple in the Next Six Years to $195 Billion
According to the National Cancer Institute, a staggering 1.8 million people in the U.S. will be diagnosed with cancer in 2023.3
As a result, the market for new cancer vaccines and treatments is expected to grow to $ 194.9 billion by 2028, growing at a rate of 15% per year.4 And biopharma overall is projected to reach $526 Billion by 2025.5

Plus, thanks to the recent COVID-19 pandemic, investors are now aware of just how important drug delivery “platforms” can be — such as the mRNA platform used for the Covid vaccine.
Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC) could potentially collaborate with many of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies by helping them to enhance delivery of their vaccines by means of the AccumTM platform.
Developing State-of-the-Art Treatments for Cancer and Infectious Diseases
In addition to the AccumTM platform itself, Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC) also has half a dozen products of its own in development based on the AccumTM platform, including two in planned Phase I trials that focus on treatments for breast and skin cancer.
- First, the company has developed a series of four vaccines, dubbed AccuVACs, designed around the action of dendritic cells (DCs). These four vaccines are being developed for such deadly cancers as lymphoma, melanoma, breast, and colon cancer.
- The company also has two treatments in development based on antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). These cutting-edge hybrid treatments will be for different breast and gastric cancers.
- The third group of treatments Defence Therapeutics is developing center around its AccuTOX agents. As its name implies, the AccuTOX agents are variants of the AccumTM molecule designed to trigger cell death directly in cancer cells, specifically targeting lymphoma and breast cancer cells.
- The fourth group of products the company is developing are two new Covid-19 vaccines.
- And the fifth group is a breakthrough treatment for Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Preclinical studies on this new vaccine, not only provide a 100% protection from cervical cancer if delivered prophylactically, but also show potent effects against established tumors.
Each of these groups of treatments represent a huge market by itself.
The market for breast cancer treatments alone is estimated to be $55.3 billion by 207, and the market for HPV vaccines projected to be $12.7 billion the same year.6

For a small company such as Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC), developing a treatment in any one of these markets could be a breakthrough that drives its share price higher.
Typically a biotech company transitioning from Phase 1 to Phase 2 clinical trials commands a substantial market cap. Yet Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC) currently has a market cap of only $30 million.
453%, 505%, and 720% Gains in Two Years
A recent example of the potential of small-cap biotech stocks is Sierra Oncology, Inc. (OTC: SRRA), a late-stage biopharmaceutical company developing targeted therapies that treat rare forms of cancer.
It started out in early 2020 selling for only $9.037 per share. Yet by mid-April 2022, Sierra Oncology’s shares had skyrocketed to $54.708 per share – a 505%9 gain.
Nor was Sierra Oncology the only cancer stock to see huge gains even as the biotech industry pulled back over the last year.
CTI Biopharm Corp (CTIC), which focuses on the development and commercialization of therapies covering a spectrum of blood-related cancers, also saw valuation growth.
It was selling for only $0.8810 a share back in early 2020. But by early 2023, CTI Biopharm Corp’s shares had jumped to $4.8711 a share, a gain of 453%.12
The same thing happened with Sunshine Biopharma (SBFM), a Montreal-based company developing anti-cancer drugs based on the mRNA technology used to develop a Covid vaccine.
Its shares skyrocketed from only 50 cents13 per share at the end of April 2020 to $4.1014 per share less than two years later – a gain of 720%.15
Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results, and investing in small-cap companies in any industry should be considered risky. Despite the great promise, Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC) should still be considered a speculative investment.
Nevertheless, it’s not uncommon for small-cap biotech companies to see rapid growth in share value.
Do your due diligence. And for more information about Defence Therapeutics (OTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTCOTC:DTCFF, CSE:DTC, FSE:DTC), check out the company’s website.
6 NOTE: New pipeline diagram taken from current investor deck, slide 17.
7 Price closed at $9.03 per share on April 1, 2020. Cf.
8 Closed on April 19, 2022.
10 CTIC closed at $0.88 per share on April 16, 2020, per
11 Close price on April 7, 2022, per
13 Close price on April 15, 2020, per
14 Close price on April 19, 2022, per
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This document contains forward-looking information and forward-looking statements, within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation, (collectively, “forward-looking statements”), which reflect expectations regarding Defence Therapeutics future growth, future business plans and opportunities, expected activities, and other statements about future events, results or performance. Wherever possible, words such as “predicts”, “projects”, “targets”, “plans”, “expects”, “does not expect”, “budget”, “scheduled”, “estimates”, “forecasts”, “anticipate” or “does not anticipate”, “believe”, “intend” and similar expressions or statements that certain actions, events or results “may”, “could”, “would”, “might” or “will” be taken, occur or be achieved, or the negative or grammatical variation thereof or other variations thereof, or comparable terminology have been used to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements relating to: (a) revenue generating potential with respect to Defence Therapeutics industry; (b) market opportunity; (c) Defence Therapeutics business plans and strategies; (d) services that Defence Therapeutics intends to offer; (e) Defence Therapeutics milestone projections and targets; (f) Defence Therapeutics expectations regarding receipt of approval for regulatory applications; (g) Defence Therapeutics intentions to expand into other jurisdictions including the timeline expectations relating to those expansion plans; and (h) Defence Therapeutics expectations with regarding its ability to deliver shareholder value. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance and are based upon a number of estimates and assumptions of management in light of management’s experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, as well as other factors that management believes to be relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, as of the date of this document including, without limitation, assumptions about: (a) the ability to raise any necessary additional capital on reasonable terms to execute Defence Therapeutics business plan; (b) that general business and economic conditions will not change in a material adverse manner; (c) Defence Therapeutics ability to procure equipment and operating supplies in sufficient quantities and on a timely basis; (d) Defence Therapeutics ability to enter into contractual arrangements; (e) the accuracy of budgeted costs and expenditures; (f) Defence Therapeutics ability to attract and retain skilled personnel; (g) political and regulatory stability; (h) the receipt of governmental, regulatory and third-party approvals, licenses and permits on favorable terms; (i) changes in applicable legislation; (j) stability in financial and capital markets; and (k) expectations regarding the level of disruption as a result of COVID-19. Such forward-looking information involves a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements of Defence Therapeutics to be materially different from any future plans, intentions, activities, results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such risks include, without limitation: (a) Defence Therapeutics operations could be adversely affected by possible future government legislation, policies and controls or by changes in applicable laws and regulations; (b) public health crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic may adversely impact Defence Therapeutics business; (c) the volatility of global capital markets; (d) political instability and changes to the regulations governing Defence Therapeutics business operations (e) Defence Therapeutics may be unable to implement its growth strategy; and (f) increased competition. Except as required by law, the Website Host undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future event or otherwise.
Any graphs, tables or other information demonstrating the historical performance or current or historical attributes of Defence Therapeutics or any other entity contained in this document are intended only to illustrate historical performance or current or historical attributes of Defence Therapeutics or such entities and are not necessarily indicative of future performance of Defence Therapeutics or such entities.