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Criteria to separate the winners from the losers in the coming cannabis boom.
After a turbulent year end, marijuana stocks are back in the limelight, showing signs that the industry is poised for another period of strong growth. No other recent industry has roared onto the scene as fast as legalized cannabis. Six years ago the industry barely existed. Today legal sales already exceed $10 billion.
That number will rocket to $47 billion in the next decade, according to projections from research firm ArcView.[i]
CBS-owned tech publisher ZDNet says the industry has a “growth rate poised to eclipse even the global smartphone market. ”That market is currently worth $478.7 billion[ii].
It’s happening already. World Finance reports that growth “continues to smash records, with the market expanding at an astonishing rate.”[iii]
An Unstoppable Wave of Legalization
California first legalized cannabis for restricted medicinal use back in 1996. Alaska, Oregon, and Washington soon followed. By 2000, eight states had approved medicinal use of the plant. Canada joined them in 2001, allowing licensed users to grow their own or to buy it through government-approved growers.
Things heated up in 2012 when Colorado and Washington state responded to voter demand to legalize recreational cannabis. Canada relaxed it laws even more the next year. Almost overnight, a commercial industry emerged. Producers sprung up to fulfill surging consumer demand.
Then came the surge. From 2013 to 2014, the Canadian cannabis market grew 74%![iv] Investors responded, and by late 2014 and early 2015 they were trending significantly higher in as little as three months. That’s better growth than the early years of Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, Amazon, and nearly every other tech giant!
Investors who followed this industry during its first cycle have the hefty share- price increases to show. In just the past twelve months, a number of stocks have already shot up as high as 406%, 210%, and 180%. One company alone is up 202.94% over the past month and half!
Currently the Canadian recreational market size is estimated at up to $8.7 billion— about the same size as the Canadian market for wine.[v] That volume is generally forecast to grow to anywhere between $10 billion and $20 billion over the next five to seven years. That’s just Canada, and it doesn’t include another billion or more annually in the medical market.
By conservative estimates, the total North America market, including U.S.A. legalized states, is expected to approach $50 billion in the same timeframe.[vi]
The Worlds Top Billionaire Investors Are In
Hedge fund manager Peter Theil, with a net worth of $2.5 billion, is investing big.[viii]
Super-investor George Soros is all in, too. He’s worth $8 billion. So is Google billionaire Paul Buchheit.[ix]
And the $2 billion Founders Fund, which made its mark as an early investor in Facebook, Spotify, and SpaceX, is betting big on cannabis, saying the industry is set to “grow massively.”[x]
These are the kind of early visionaries whose involvement legitimizes new industries, providing credibility for investors.
And right now they’re putting their weight behind this new industry that is about to explode onto the scene…racking up billions of dollars in sales in just its first few years.
And it’s not too late to catch a rare opportunity to get in during the early stages of an industry boom and acquire stakes in blockbuster companies that could rise quickly as the market expands.
I’m convinced the biggest gains are still ahead.
That’s why I’m inviting you to check out my brand-new report right now. Let me tell you everything you need to know to separate the winners from the losers in the next marijuana supercycle.
i https://globenewswire.com/news-release/2018/02/26/1387588/0/en/NEW-REPORT-Worldwide-spending- on-legal-cannabis-will-reach-57-billion-by-2027.html
ii https://www.zdnet.com/article/is-marijuana-the-next-great-american-industry/
iii https://www.world nance.com/markets/arcview-enabling-investment-to-prosper-in-the-cannabis- industry?platform=hootsuite
iv https://www.facebook.com/ArcViewGroup/posts/933804959977429
v Deloitte, Recreational Marijuana Insights and Opportunities
vi https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomaspellechia/2018/03/01/double-digit-billions-puts-north-america-in-the-worldwide-cannabis-market-lead/#3a63fbb86510
vii https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/former-microsoft-manager-has-big-ideas-about-marketing- retail-pot/
viii https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2015/01/08/pot- rm-lands-multimillion-dollar- investment-from-fund-with-stakes-in-facebook-airbnb/?utm_term=.9a423af5f099
ix https://www.thestreet.com/story/12785077/1/big-name-ceos-put-money-marijuana.html
x https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/govbeat/wp/2015/01/08/pot- rm-lands-multimillion-dollar- investment-from-fund-with-stakes-in-facebook-airbnb/?utm_term=.9a423af5f099
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